Living sustainably is not about going without the things that you love and enjoy doing. A little thought and a few simple tweaks to your lifestyle can have a big impact on your environment, without requiring a lot of time and effort. Often living sustainably is about forming new habits that are healthy for you, your family and the environment.

Here are ten top tips to get you started.


Energy conservation is itself a source of energy. Here are several simple ways to reduce your household energy use:

  •   Turn off appliances and lights that you’re not using.
  •   Install energy-efficient appliances.
  •   Use a programmable thermostat that lowers or raises the temperature when you’re not home.
  •   Set your thermostat lower than usual in the winter and bundle up.
  •   Open windows to allow breeze instead of turning on the air conditioning.
  •   Hang clothes to dry instead of using the dryer.
  •   Use an electric teakettle rather than a stovetop kettle to boil water.
  •   Replace incandescent light bulbs with compact fluorescent bulbs (CFLs).


A powerful way to live more sustainably is to eat locally. The convenience of supermarkets has changed how people think about food. You can stroll through aisles stocked with fruits, vegetables, and other products from all over the world any time of year. But these products consume huge amounts of fossil fuel energy to get from those global locations to your corner supermarket.


Previous generations didn’t dream of single-use razors, forks, cups, bags, and food storage containers, but these days, you can find a plastic version of almost any object and then throw that object away after you use it.
Many of the environmental health issues today stem from toxins released into the environment by trash. Even trash that’s properly dispose of, such as that in a landfill, requires careful monitoring to ensure that dangerous chemicals don’t enter the surrounding environment.
When you make a purchase, consider the item’s life expectancy: How long can the item be used? Will it have more than one use? When you’re done with it, will it end up in the trash? Start investing in reusable products for the items you most often throw away.


Try growing your own food. Simply plant a few seeds in a corner of your yard or in a container on your porch or windowsill. You don’t need acres; a few square feet on a patio, along the driveway, or in a window box can provide enough space to grow edible herbs, fruits, and vegetables.


Recycle as much as possible! If your neighbourhood or apartment complex doesn’t offer recycling pickup, either find a drop-off location or request the curbside service. Buying products labelled ‘post-consumer’ lets companies know that recycling is the way to go! For other items, such as CFLs, batteries, mobile phones, and electronics, find an appropriate recycler. Be sure to ask electronics recyclers where these materials go for recycling and avoid companies that ship electronic waste overseas for unregulated “recycling” and salvage operations.


Items that you no longer need can get an extended life through resale and donation. By extending the life of any product, you help reduce dependence on disposable or cheaply made single-use products that end up in landfills.
Try reselling clothing and children’s things through a second hand or consider donating them to a no-profit charity organization (such as the Salvation Army) that will redistribute them to those in need.


Dependence on bottled water has added more than a million tons of plastic to the waste stream every year. One reason people rely on bottled water is that they believe its safer and better-tasting than tap water.
If you don’t like the flavour of your tap water, consider the one-time investment in a filtration system. If you like the convenience of bottled water, purchase refillable bottles and keep one in your fridge, one in your car, and one at the office. Encourage your employer to install filters and offer glasses or reusable bottles at work, too.


An easy way to live more sustainably is to conserve household water use. Consider installing water-efficient toilets or dual-flush toilets that let you choose whether to use a full flush (for solid waste) or half-flush (for liquid waste). Newer clothes washers can automatically sense the smallest level of water needed for each load.
Smaller changes, such as switching to water-saving showerheads and adding aerators to your sink faucets, are also effective ways to significantly reduce household water use.
To conserve water outdoors, use landscaping adapted to your local environment.
When buying plants, look for drought-tolerant species and varieties and be sure to plant them in proper soil and sun conditions to reduce their need for excess watering. Set up sprinkler systems so they don’t water the sidewalk, the driveway, and other paved, impermeable surfaces.


Using fossil fuel to support one person in each car on the road is clearly no longer sustainable. Investigate mass transit options in your town or city, such as a bus system, a light-rail train system, or carpool and vanpool services for commuters. When travelling close to home, walk or ride your bike.


When you purchase items that are imported from all over the world – particularly coffee, cocoa, sugar, tea, chocolate, and fruit – look for the fair-trade certification. This designation tells you that these items were grown using sustainable methods of agriculture and that local people are receiving fair prices for the goods they produce. Items that don’t have the fair-trade certification may have been produced unsustainably and may be the product of exploitative labour practices that don’t benefit the local people.